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LCVM Events2024-05-08T19:03:57+05:30

Workshop – Find Your Clown (01/09/23, Fri – 03/09/23, Sun)

Toto Circle in collaboration with Space of Act and Lilanoor Center for Voice and Music welcomes you to the world of Clowning! All of us have a clown living somewhere inside us. Sometimes our clown energy is visible; sometimes it is just beneath the surface of our consciousness. This workshop will be an exploration to finding your inner clown using improvisation, rhythm, singing and tools from physical theatre. It is designed to free your creativity, ignite your imagination, and help you tap into the joyous spirit of clowning.

Performance – Ek Majnu Ek Ladku (12/08/23, Sat)

A storytelling performance from the Himalayas, brought to life by a colourful artist, with lots of original songs, and music played on a piano accordion. Touching on themes of gender and identity, forests and environment, this is a show that is as topical as it is entertaining.

Masterclass – Western Classical Singing Technique (27/08/22, Sat – 28/08/22, Sun)

Singing is a long-life journey to understand the mystery of the voice and the mechanisms of the body and its singing potential. It is about finding the centre, the core of the voice that like an atom, will radiate. Western Classical Singing Technique in particular is built on endless research and studies of methodologies for singers to develop a technique that allows them to comfortably perform in huge concert halls with thousands of people, without any amplification. A weekend where we will try to observe and understand basic mechanisms of Western Classical voice technique practice and theory, through both group and private sessions.

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